Strabane Academy

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Mrs L. Hyndman- Head of Department
Mrs J. Millar
Mrs R. Dunn

Aim of department:

We believe that History is a chronicle of human behaviour – a real-life drama full of villains and heroes, the mighty and the meek; we aim to try and understand it! Our Department have 5 key aims:

  • To develop an interest in the past! We need to appreciate how events in our own country are linked to and have been influenced by other countries and cultures.
  • To develop a knowledge of chronology within which pupils can organise their understanding of the past and use as a transferrable skill.
  • To understand that people of other times and places may have had different values and attitudes from ours.
  • To develop an informed appreciation of the perspectives and motives of people in the past and to offer explanations based on historical evidence.
  • To develop a respect for evidence and to tolerate a wide range of opinions.

Timetable allocation:

Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4 Key Stage 5
3 periods per week 5 periods per week 8 periods per week

Key Stage 3 Curriculum

Key Themes

Year 8 Term 1 History skills, methodology and the History in our own homes.
Term 2 Castle Evolution, The Battle of Hastings and the Norman Conquest
Term 3 The Black Death, The Normans in Ireland and Norman Legacy
Year 9 Term 1 Significant events which shape the 16th and 17th centuries, The Reformation, Martin Luther and Henry VIII
Term 2 The trials and tribulations of Elizabeth 1, Mary Queen of Scots and James 1
Term 3 The life and times of Charles 1, English Civil War and the Battle of the Boyne
Year 10 Term 1 The 20th Century Overview, WW1 and Trench Warfare
Term 2 The Holocaust and the Partition of Ireland
Term 3 The Troubles and Significant Characters throughout History

Key Stage 4 Curriculum

Year 11

Exam Board CCEA


Life in Nazi Germany, 1933–45 and Changing Relations: Northern Ireland and its Neighbours, 1965–98

Year 11 Unit Title Assessment Weighting Availability
Nazi Germany 1933-1945 External Exam 30% June
N.I and its neighbours 1965-1998 External Exam  30% June

Year 12

Exam Board CCEA


International Relations, 1945–2003.

Year 12 Unit Title Assessment Weighting Availability
International Studies: The Cold War and the War on Terror 1945-2003 External Exam 40% June

Key Stage 5 Curriculum

Year 13

Exam Board CCEA


AS 1:Historical Investigations and Interpretations: Nazi Germany and WW2
AS 2: Historical Conflict and Change: Russia 1917-1941

Year 13 Unit Title Assessment Weighting Availability
Germany 1919-1945 External Exam 20% June
Russia 1917-1941 External Exam 20% June

Year 14

Exam Board CCEA


A2 1: Change Over Time
A2 2: Historical Investigations and Interpretations

Year 14 Unit Title Assessment Weighting Availability
Clash of Ideologies 1900-2000 External Exam 20% June
Partition of Ireland 1900-1925 External Exam 40% June


Within the History Department we have a variety of extra activities and trips on offer…Each year group will have a designated trip which they get to partake in. In the past years we have visited the following:

  • Year 8 trek off to Carrickfergus Castle for a look at a real life castle, learn how the castle operated and role play what it would’ve been like to live like the kings and queens of the medieval and middle ages!

    This is a fantastic opportunity to put our new historical skills of analysing interpretations, appreciating perspectives and exploring archaeology into practice!
  • Year 9 explore the rich culture on our door step as they head to the Maiden City. We take in the Siege Museum, the Guildhall exhibition and end up in the Tower Museum.

    This is a brilliant walking tour and for all, a great insight to our local History.
  • Year 10 adventure off to the Republic’s capital city of Dublin. Here they are treated to a visit to Kilmainham Gaol, visiting the famous streets around Temple Square before strolling through Phoenix Park.

    This two-day trip is always jam packed and a favourite of all Year 10s!

As you progress to KS4 and KS5 we offer a chance to explore further afield. The trip this year was to Krakow, Poland. This trip offers you the chance to see the infamous Auschwitz I and Birkenau Concentration Camps, delve underground to see the Wieliczka Salt Mine, visit Oskar Schindler’s Factory and absorb all of the amazing culture which Poland has to offer.

This is one not to be missed!


When you’re in school we also offer a History Club where you get a chance to discuss History in a new and creative way. We often pick topics which pique your interest outside of the classroom. In recent projects we have designed an old style guillotine to use for our presentation of the French Revolution; we looked at the Terracotta Army and their rules and regulations; we modelled the GPO and Trench Warfare to commemorate the Easter Rising and the Battle of the Somme.

The projects, the crafts, the presentations and the designs; History is endless and the topics your choice!

Department Successes:

Studying History in Strabane Academy enables you to develop a skill set which any employer would love to have on their team!Many of our past pupils at A Level have progressed into study History, Politics, Sociology, Psychology, Education and Teaching, to name but a few. Queens University Belfast, University of Ulster and Edinburgh University are the three top choice for pupils leaving the History Department and moving into third level education.
One of our best success stories to date, is to have a past pupil now pursue his ambition for politics and enter the local elections! His passion and belief in his party and their ethos have gained him the recognition he deserves and we wish him every luck in the upcoming elections!

Careers Links:

By studying GCE History students can build upon your knowledge and understanding of past events and the impact of those events on our world today. This in turn gives you a better understanding of the consequences of past actions on civilisations and a greater empathy for people of different cultures today.History is much more than reading about past events. This course can help develop and deploy a range of important skills such as collecting and evaluating information, independent thought, weighing up the evidence that you have found and putting a case together to support your conclusions.
History can open up a wide range of opportunities for further and higher education and interesting and rewarding careers. Through following this course, you will have the opportunity to develop skills that are transferable and are highly sought after by employers. If you wish to continue with your study of History at degree level, you will need to complete the full A Level course comprising the two units at AS together with the two at A2.

You will have the opportunity to develop your skills and increase your self-confidence through researching, organising information, having a questioning approach to the evidence before you, arguing a case, reaching balanced conclusions based on the evidence and writing in a clear and coherent way. These are skills which are highly desired by employers and will help you in further education, to succeed in your chosen career as well as in everyday life.

Many History students go on to have interesting and challenging careers, for example in the media, politics, library or information work, writing or editorial work, teaching, lecturing, business or civil service and law. An interest in history may direct you to a perhaps a more specialist career as an archaeologist, archivist working in a records office, historical researcher, solicitor, barrister, museum curator or genealogist.