Strabane Academy

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Learning for Life and Work

Mrs O. Crosbie- Head of Department 

Mrs S. Gallagher

Ms L. Keys 

Learning for Life and Work is a new subject introduced with the Revised NI curriculum. It contains the strands of:

  • Education for Employability
  • Local and Global Citizenship
  • PSHE
  • Home Economics

General Aims

The aim of this course is to provide students with the skills they require to think independently, make informed decisions, and take appropriate action when faced with personal, social, economic and employment issues. Learning for Life and Work aims to help young people develop:

  • relevant skills and capabilities;
  • knowledge and understanding of the challenges and opportunities they may encounter in contemporary society and the different values, attitudes, needs and perspectives of their own and other communities;
  • the skills, knowledge, attitudes and values necessary for independent thinking, informed decision making and responsible action throughout their lives.
  • an interest and enjoyment of the subject so that students and others will value the subject as an important contributor towards achievement in school and recognise its contribution to life beyond school;
  • as individuals and contributors to society, the economy and the environment
  • knowledge and understanding of the variety of attitudes, needs and perspectives that exist in their own and other communities, both locally and globally.

Information on Key Stage 3

Learning for Life and Work has been included as a key component of the Revised Curriculum because research indicated a need for closer links between the curriculum and the development of skills and capabilities necessary for life and work. It concluded that young people require an engaging and relevant curriculum that: helps them develop as individuals and members of society; delivers the skills and capabilities needed for adult life and work; helps them cope with the changing global economy; and

helps them learn how to make informed choices.

To meet this need, the Revised Curriculum objectives and LLW contribute directly to developing the young person as:

  • an individual;
  • a contributor to society; and
  • a contributor to the economy and environment.

Learning for Life and Work supports other key components of the Revised Curriculum like Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities. It provides opportunities for pupils to develop skills, knowledge, understanding, attitudes and values that help them:

  • prepare for adult life, independent living and work;
  • meet the challenges and opportunities of contemporary society; and
  • make informed decisions and take responsible action throughout their lives.

All students will study LLW throughout Key Stage 3. This will be delivered on a carousel basis with each year group covering each the three strands throughout the year; Citizenship, Personal Development and Employability. Home Economics is taught separately.

Personal Development themes include Self- awareness. Personal Health and Relationships.

Citizenship themes focus on Diversity and Inclusion, Human Rights and Social Responsibility, Equality and Social Justice and Democracy and Active Participation.

The Employability strand covers the themes of Work in the Local and Global Economy, Career Management and Enterprise and Entrepreneurship.

Assessment at Key Stage 3 is by end of term test and end of year examination. Pupils also receive homework task throughout the year and are assessed on their skills development.

Information on Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4, the Learning for Life and Work Area of Learning includes the contributory elements of Employability, Local and Global Citizenship and Personal Development.

Assessment at Key Stage 4 is through the external exam board CCEA in the form of two controlled assessment tasks and three module examinations Pupils complete three modules, one in each of the three elements. Each module is worth 13.33% of their final GCSE grade. Pupils will also complete two Controlled Assessment tasks, each worth 30% of the final GCSE grade.

Local and Global Citizenship

This area of study gives students opportunities to:

  • develop the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to participate positively and effectively in their communities and wider society;
  • influence democratic processes; and
  • make informed and responsible decisions as local and global citizens throughout their lives.

Personal Development

This area of study gives students the opportunity to:

  • develop a deeper understanding of their own personal development; and
  • assess and learn how to manage the challenges that they may face throughout life.


This area of study gives students opportunities to:

  • develop the personal qualities, skills, knowledge, understanding and attitudes that will give them a strong foundation for lifelong learning and work in a rapidly changing economic environment.

Career opportunities from studying Learning for Life and Work

This qualification provides a foundation for entry into a wide variety of post 16 courses:

  • GCE Applied Business
  • Commercial subjects at Further Education
  • ‘A’ Level Business Studies
  • IT related careers
  • Self-employment preparation
  • Enterprise preparation
  • Business Consultancy
  • Business Management

Extra-curricular activities

  • Our pupils are involved in charity events, helping others less fortunate and supporting Local and Global Charities.
  • Our Citizenship pupils have an opportunity to create a food dish from a culture of their choice after completing their Cultural Diversity module.
  • Our pupils take a tour of the Tayto Factory in Tandragee in association with the Geography Department.
  • We welcome visitors from the PSNI, the Fire Service and the School Nurse to support the Personal Development programme.
  • Each year, our Year 11 pupils take tours of the historic Parliament Buildings at Stormont.
  • Pupils participate in events hosted by Young Enterprise; including ‘Learn to Earn’.
  • All Key Stage 4 pupils will have the opportunity to participate in the ‘Love for Life’ programme.