Homework allows students to practice the skills they learn during school. This helps the student retain the knowledge gained during the day.
Purpose of Homework
- To extend learning beyond the classroom.
- To offer a variety of tasks which extend knowledge and understanding, and which develop skills.
- To assess, develop and test the above.
- To encourage habits of lifelong inquiry and learning.
- To satisfy coursework demands.
- To offer opportunities to assess progress.
- To diagnose the effectiveness of teaching and learning.
Organisation of Homework
- Pupils are provided with a daily planner in which to record their homework.
- The daily planner is our means of communicating with you about issues such as homework and class tests so this is an important way in which you can support your child in their education.
- Please ensure you sign your child’s daily planner for each Monday morning. The form teacher will check these are signed on a weekly basis.
KS3 Homework Timetable